Language: English
Speaker / Előadó : Dr.Lorand Eross MD, PhD, Head of Functional Neurosurgery and Center of Neuromodulation, National Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Budapest
Title / Cím : Robotization and Imaging in Neurosurgery
About our Speaker / Az előadóról:
Dr. Lorand Eross is the head of the Functional Neurosurgical Department and Center of Neuromodulation at the National Institute of Clinical Neurosciences in Budapest. He is the Director of Research and Innovation. He leads the Epilepsy Surgery Program at the institute. He got his PhD degree at Semmelweis University in 2010 in epilepsy surgery. His main interest is epilepsy surgery, movement disorder surgery, neurosurgical treatment of pain, spasticity and neuromodulation. He has an active reasearch group in the field of epilepsy and movement disorders. He developed new intraoperative localisation method for invasive recordings in epilepsy surgery. He introduced robot assisted neurosurgery in Central-Eastern Europe. He is a lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the Semmelweis University and at the Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology in bionical sciences.
About the talk / Az előadásról:
In this lecture he will talk about the latest developments in neurosurgery, the drive behind these and his special interest of the the new interdisciplinary speciality called neuromodulation.