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Korábbi esemény: 2017. október 22: Kaláka koncert

Korábbi esemény: 2017. október 21: 56-os ünnepség

Korábbi esemény: October 18: Adam György at Faneuil Hall

Wednesday, October 18th, 7:30PM

BUY TICKETS for $25 with promo code: 5555

Korábbi esemény: Szeptember 30: Szüreti Mulatság

10.13.17 – Leslie Muray : The Influence of Henri Bergson on Mihaly Babits and Zsigmond Moricz

Language: English

Speaker: Leslie Muray

Title: The Influence of Henri Bergson on Mihaly Babits and Zsigmond Moricz

About the Speaker:

Dr. Leslie (Les) A. Muray (Dr. Muray László) was born in Budapest in 1948. He was in second grade at the time of Revolution of 1956 . His parents and he were refugees in Yugoslavia in January, 1957. After four and a half months, they lived in France for two years, finally settling in the Boston area. In addition to Massachusetts, he has lived in Arizona, California, Michigan, and Massachusetts again.
Dr. Muray has a B.A from Whittier College (’71), Rel.M Claremont School of Theology (’73) and Ph.D Claremont Graduate University (1982). He is Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Curry College, Milton, MA 02186. He is the author of two books and a hundred articles in five languages. Dr. Muray is also an Episcopal priest.

About the talk:

The title of his talk is “Embracing The Ambiguity of Creativity: the Influence of Henri Bergson on Mihály Babits and Zsigmond Moricz.” It builds on research done during a Fulbright grant in Budapest in the Spring of 2014. Bergson’s vitalist philosophy had an explosive effect in Hungary, influencing a variety of cultural figures across the cultural and political landscape. In Babits and Moricz, the appropriation of Bergson’s thought anticipates contemporary environmental ethics.


09.15.2017 – Comrade Baron: A Journey through the Vanishing World of the Transylvanian Aristocracy

Language: English

Speaker Comrade Baron

Title: A Journey through the Vanishing World of the Transylvanian Aristocracy

About our Guest:

Jaap Scholten (b. 1963) made his debut in 1995 with his successful and acclaimed novel Tachtig(Eighty). From then on he devoted himself entirely to writing, including work for television. His second novel Morgenster (Morning Star), about the 1977 train hijack in Drenthe by Moluccan separatists, was published in 2001. Scholten has lived in Hungary for several years, where he writes columns and letters that appear in NRC Handelsblad and other publications.


In the darkness of the early morning of March 3, 1949, practically all of the Transylvanian aristocracy were arrested in their beds and loaded onto trucks. That same day, the Romanian Workers’ Party was pleased to announce the successful deportation and dispossession of all large landowners. Communism demanded the destruction of these ultimate class enemies. Under the terror of the Gheorghiu-Dej and later Ceausescu, the aristocracy led a double life: during the day they worked in quarries, steelworks and carpenters’ yards; in the evening they secretly gathered and maintained the rituals of an older world.
To record this unknown episode of recent history, Jaap Scholten traveled extensively in Romania and Hungary and sought out the few remaining aristocrats who experienced the night of March 3, 1949. He spoke to people who survived the Romanian Gulag and met the youngest generation of the once distinguished aristocracy to talk about the restitution of assets and about the future. How is it possible to rebuild anything in a country that finds itself in a moral vacuum?


08.18.17- Kádas Szilvia: Marcel Breuer’s Architectural Work

Language: English

Speaker Szilvia Kadas

Title: Marcel Breuer’s Architectural Work

About our


06.25.17- Gárdony László: Jazz and the People Who Like It

Language: Music, English and Hungarian

Speaker: Gárdony László, pianist / composer

Title: Jazz and the People Who Like It

About our Guest:

More music at:


05.12.17- Discussion with Michael Szabados, COO of NetScout

Language: English

Speaker: Michael Szabados, COO of NetScout

Title: Discussion about a successful business career-path in the US

About our Guest:

“I attended the Fazekas mathematics program in Hungary, continuing my studies at the technical university, focused on communications. However, I left the country after four years, in 1975. During this time, I will note as a point of interest, I also spent nearly a year in a refugee camp in Germany, alongside my wife. I have completed my engineering studies at the University of California – Irvine in the United States.

I began my engineering career at Intel, as a design engineer. I had the great fortune of working alongside Andy Grove, even if not directly, and I was present for the release of the 8086 microprocessor architecture, which I helped standardize against the competing Z80 chip, as well as against Motorola’s efforts in the field. A few years later, I joined the Ethernet design group at the height of the development of computer networking, as a product manager, and from this point onward, I remained in the business of networking. From 1986 to 1990, I was the chief of networking at Apple, directly contributing AppleTalk, AppleShare and many other networking products of the era.

I became the head of product marketing at SynOptics (later Bay Networks), once more involved with an important technological milestone: the emergence of mature and modern client-server computing.
I currently work at a company called NetScout, where I serve as COO (Chief Operating Officer), having joined almost two decades ago. We’re listed on NASDAQ as NTCT, and have an annual turnover of $1.2 billion, up from just $30 million when I started at the company. Our company serves governments and the world’s largest companies, among them cellular service providers, securing their IT infrastructure against cyber attacks and system disruptions.”


04.21.17 – Percel János: A kvantumszámítógépről – közérthetően

Az előadó: Perczel János, PhD hallgató, MIT

Az előadás címe: “A kvantumszámítógépről – közérthetően”

Az előadóról: A budapesti Városmajori Gimnáziumban érettségiztem 2008-ban. Skóciában a St. Andrews-i Egyetemen fizikából és filozófiából szereztem BSc diplomat 2011-ben, majd az angliai Cambridge-i Egyetemen matematikából kaptam MA fokozatot 2012-ben. Jelenleg az MIT doktori hallgatója vagyok elméleti atomfizikából. Kutatásom fókusza a topológia matematikájának gyakorlati alkalmazása kvantummechanikai rendszerekben.

Az előadásról: Előadásomban a kvantumszámítógépek tudományos hátteréről fogok beszélni. Szó fog esni arról, hogy miért próbálják a tudósok megépíteni napjainkban a kvantumszámítógépet, milyen különleges feladatok megoldására lesz képes ha egyszer elkészül és hogy milyen különös fizikai elvekre épül működése. A témát egyszerű példákon keresztül fogom bemutatni. Az előadás megértése 7-8. osztályos általános iskolai fizika és matematika tudást feltételez.

Az előadás nyelve magyar.