Author Archives: admin

Korábbi esemény : Április 8: Hagyományőrző Nap

Korábbi esemény: Március 15-i megemlékezés


03.10.17 – Bergou János: Einstein, a huszadik század személyisége

Az előadás címe: Einstein, a huszadik század személyisége

Az előadóról:
Bergou János a City University of New York Graduate Center és Hunter College egyetemi tanára. Elméleti fizikus, szűkebb szakterülete a kvantumoptika és a kvantuminformatika. Az MTA doktora, az American Physical Society és az Optical Society of America Fellow-ja. Számos ismeretterjesztő előadást tartott a New York-i és New York környéki magyar szervezetekben (Fészek klub, Bolyai kör, New York-i Magyar Főkonzulátus, Magyar Örökség Központ), többek között Bay Zoltánról, Bolyai Jánosról, Einsteinről, a magyar Nobel díjasokról és persze a Marslakókról. 2010-ben egyik alapítója volt a New York-i Magyar Tudományos Társaságnak, mely első Elnökévé választotta. 2012 óta Emeritus Elnökként dolgozik a Társaság vezetőségében. 2013-ban a Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend Tiszti Keresztjével tüntették ki, a Pécsi Egyetem díszdoktori címet (Doctor Honoris Causa) adományozott számára.

Az előadásról:
A Time magazin 1999 december 31-i számában Albert Einsteint választotta a huszadik század emberének. Az előadásnak az ad aktualitást, hogy az általános relatívitáselmélet, a mai modern kozmológia alapja 1917-ben, éppen 100 éve nyerte el végleges alakját. A Time magazin Einsteint olyan óriások elé helyezte a század pozitív szereplői közül, mint Mahatma Gandhi vagy Franklin D. Roosevelt, és sok más kiemelkedő és nagyhatású művész, tudós és politikus. A választáson szerencsére lemaradtak a történelem negatív, de sorsformáló szereplői – főleg politikusok, a huszadik század diktátorai -, akikben bővelkedett ez az időszak. Kissé szélesebb kontextusba helyezve azt mutatom be, hogy miért esett rá a választás, elhelyezve Einsteint a saját korában, a századforduló és a század első felének pezsgő kulturális életében. Megkísérlem a relatívitáselmélet két leghíresebb eredményét – az időtágulást és a hosszrövidülést – egyenletek nélkül, képszerűen érzékeltetni. A huszadik század a Time magazin szerint a tudomány évszázada volt és, ha egyetlen nevet akarunk kiemelni, Einstein az a tudós, akinek munkássága és kisugárzása a legnagyobb hatással volt erre a századra.,9171,993017,00.html

Az előadás nyelve magyar.

02.17.17 – D. Kómár Péter: A DNS matematikája

Az előadó: Kómár Péter, PhD bioinformatikus
Seven Bridges Genomics, Inc., Cambridge, MA

Az előadás címe: “A DNS matematikája”

Az előadóról: Magyarországon születtem, az első osztálytól az egyetem utolsó évéig Budapesten tanultam. Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Fizika szakán 2010-ben fizikus MSc diplomát szereztem, majd 2015-ben a Harvard Egyetem szereztem PhD fokozatot fizikából. PhD kutatásom során atomórák pontosságának növelésével és a kvanummechanikai méréselmélet korlátaival foglalkoztam. Az akadémiát elhagyva, úgy döntöttem, hogy data science-e és statisztikával folytatom. Jelenleg bioinformatikusként dolgozom a Seven Bridges Genomics Inc.-nál. Munkám során matematikai és statisztikai modelleket fejlesztek, amik lehetővé teszik DNS szekvencia adatok hatékonyabb és pontosabb feldolgozását.

Az előadásról: Előadásomban a DNS analízis matematikai oldáról fogok beszélni. A DNS és a DNS kutatás rövid bemutatása után betekintést mutatok a DNS analízis kulcsfontosságú matematikai problémáiba és azok jelenleg alkamlazott megoldásaiba. Ezt mindennapi példákon keresztül, mindenki számára elérhető szinten fogom előadni. Az előadás követéséhez sem matematikai, sem biológiai előismeret nem szükséges.

Az előadás nyelve magyar.

Korábbi esemény: Március 3: Lackfi János – irodalmi est

Jegyvásárlás itt
Jegyek a helyszínen is kaphatóak.

Korábbi esemény: Február 18: Disznótoros vacsora

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Tickets must be purchased in advance.
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Jegyek csak elővételben kaphatóak.

2017.02.04 – Kaponay Réka: Dreamtime Traveler – Teenage Life Schooler Traveling the World

Language: English

Speaker: Kaponay Réka

Title: Dreamtime Traveler – Teenage Life Schooler Traveling the World

Réka’s Bio:

Meet Réka Kaponay, 15-year-old full-time world adventurer, world schooler, international blogger and author of the fantasy adventure novel Dawn of the Guardian.
Réka is on a journey of learning and discovery that over the last five years has seen her and her family visit over 30 countries on six continents. This odyssey has seen them travel to the deep heart of Andalusia, Spain, where a sage, a mystical being and the surrounding countryside inspired her to write her debut novel.
She will share her journey to publication and stories of her travels and adventures that saw her live with the descendants of the Incas, share dreaming stories with the Aboriginal people of Australia, backpack through India and more. Réka will happily answer any questions that you might have and it is your opportunity to get your very own signed and dedicated first edition copy of her book Dawn of the Guardian.


Normally for Réka’s book events with learning groups, she starts with a presentation, where she shares with the group her story – giving insight into her journey to writing the novel. If there is an accompanying projector, we usually share this with a slideshow of pictures. This is approximately 10-15 minutes in length at which time, depending on the numbers and forum, we then have some time allotted for questions and discussion in the group. Dependent on the group of children/teens/young adults, this can be anywhere from 25-45 minutes in length. Generally this part lasts about 45 minutes and covers everything from travel, to how we live, to the inspirations and mentors that Réka has turned to, to how we learn together as a family.


Following the presentation and questions session, we usually conduct a fun and interactive Writers’ Workshop that encourages all people in the group to participate. This is an introductory writer’s exercise, commonly used to spark ideas of creativity and encourages the participants to weave their narrative together into a creative story that needs to be completed in a short timeframe. The results of everyone’s creativity are then shared with the whole group and we have a fun time listening to everyone and encouraging people positively in their love of writing. If there are more than 10 people participating, we encourage the exercise be carried out in group participation and then the exercise also involves an element of cooperative creativity and team contributions. This often produces the most wonderful results. This workshop normally takes about 45 mins. With both sessions, we run for approximately 1.5 hours, but if you are limited by time we can compact it into about an hour. Optimally, 2 hours would allow ample time for the whole event.

Personally Dedicated Books

We also have Réka’s book available for sale (US 1st Edition) on the day, which are dedicated and signed personally by Réka. They can be purchased on the day for the price of $18 (no tax).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Korábbi esemény: Január 27: Liszt arcai – Zongora négykezes

Buy your tickets here
Tickets are also available at the venue.

Jegyvásárlás itt
Jegyek a helyszínen is kaphatóak.

2017.01.14 – Farkas Dóra: How to Crush Impostor Syndrome, Whether You Are a Student or Professional

Language: English

Speaker: Dora Farkas, PhD

Title: How Crush Impostor Syndrome, Whether You Are a Student or Professional

About the talk: What is the Impostor Syndrome?

The term “Impostor Syndrome” was coined in 1978 by psychologists Dr. Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes and it refers to a phenomenon among students and professionals, especially high achievers, who are unable to internalize their accomplishments, and are afraid of being exposed as a “fraud” or impostor.

They usually attribute their achievements to luck, timing, or deceiving others into thinking that they are more intelligent that they believe themselves to be. Students and professionals with the Impostor Syndrome live in fear that one day someone will discover that they are not as smart as they thought they were.

Someone who is experiencing the Impostor Syndrome may believe that they “looked good on paper” but have no experience applicable to the workplace. Or they may believe that a mistake was made during the admission or hiring process.

It is important to note that the Impostor Syndrome is based on beliefs that an individual has about themselves, and is not correlated with their external achievements.

If you believe that:

You are not smart enough to be in the position you are, or
You are not as smart as everyone else around you, or
They must have made a mistake when they admitted or hired you, or
If others knew the truth about you they would realize that you are not as smart as they thought,
you probably have experienced the Impostor Syndrome.

The Impostor Syndrome is accompanied by self-doubt, low self-esteem and lack of motivation. While these feelings are very real (and may have been with you for years), they stem from fear-based beliefs and not the truth.

The feelings associated with the Impostor Syndrome can be divided into three major categories:

1. Feeling like a fraud: the person believes that he or she does not deserve his or her success or professional position and that somehow other have been deceived into thinking otherwise. This goes together with a fear of being, “found out”, discovered or “unmasked”. People who feel this way would identify with statements such as: “I can give the impression that I am more competent than I really am.” “I am often afraid that others will discover how much knowledge I really lack”.

2. Attributing success to luck: Another aspect of the impostor syndrome is the tendency to attribute success to luck or to other external reasons and not to your own internal abilities. Someone with such feeling would refer to an achievement by saying, “I just got lucky this time” “it was a fluke” and with fear that they will not be able to succeed the next time.

3. Discounting Success: The third aspect is a tendency to downplay success and discount it. One with such feelings would discount an achievement by saying, “it is not a big deal,” “it was not important.” One example of this is discounting the fact that they made it here, which is really a big success. Or saying, “I did well because it is an easy class, etc.” Or, you might have a hard time accepting compliments.

This is not an all or nothing students. Many students and professionals can probably identify with a few statements but not with others. Some people may identify with impostor feelings in some situations and not in others, or maybe you may not identify with these feelings but have friends who do.

In this interactive workshop you will discover:

How to recognize whether you have feelings associated with the Impostor Syndrome that may be holding you back,
The most common reasons and habits that lead to the Impostor Syndrome, and
How to shift your thinking pattern and behavior so that you can overcome feelings associated with the Impostor Syndrome.
You will walk away from this workshop with specific strategies to crush the Impostor Syndrome so you can increase your confidence and motivation and ,ultimately, improve your performance at work.

About the speaker: Dora Farkas was born in Budapest, Hungary. She completed her Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering and her Ph.D. in Biological Engineering both from MIT. She received an NIH postdoctoral fellowship and was a principal investigator in several clinical trials at Tufts Medical School. Dora worked for several years in the pharmaceutical industry as a Senior Scientist in the areas of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics.

Dora is the Founder of Finish Your Thesis ( an online community that provides training programs for Masters and PhD students. She is the creator of the online “Finish Your Thesis Program”, which has trained hundreds of graduate students from over 30 different countries since 2015.

Dora can be reached at

Korábbi esemény: Karácsonyi Ünnepség