Author Archives: admin

03.15.19: PechaKucha Night

Language: Presentations are open to be in English or Hungarian language.

Speaker / Előadó : 10 guest speakers

Title / Cím :PechaKucha Night ( ぺちゃくちゃ)

About our Speaker / Az előadóról:
Sponsored by Dr. Gábor Garai, Honorary Consul General of Hungary in Boston, who will open the event. The evening will power 10 guest speakers to introduce their work, and provide a platform to get to know “who is who in our community”.

About the talk / Az előadásról:
“Pecha kucha” is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6min 40sec in total). Presentations will be concise and fast-paced, and the speakers are:

– Bálint Antal, Ph.D, machine learning in synthetic biology,
– Lajos Balogh, Ph.D. of nanomedicine in p-k style
– Kálmán Gács, creative director, The psychology of seduction: how effective websites woo you,
– Nicholas Gertler, JD, co-founder at Galen/Atlantica,
– Andrea Hermann, Ph.D, research at MGH,
– Márton Hoványi, Ph.D, Visiting Research Fellow at Yale University, communication trainer at Szónok Születik Retorikaiskola – A hatásos pecha kucha prezentáció titka,
– Lajos Kemény, Ph.D, postdoc at MGH,
– Tamás Novák, Ph.D. Scientific and Economic attache at NY Consulate,
– Attila Szántó, MD, PhD, genetics, molecular biology,
– Ildikó Várhelyi, The hidden link between the visual system and chronic pain.


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Korábbi esemény: 2019. február 24. Mini filmfesztivál

Jegyvásárlás itt

02.15.19: Kovács István: Inferring interactions in biology

Language: English

Speaker / Előadó : Kovács István, PhD

Title / Cím :Inferring interactions in biology

About our Speaker / Az előadóról:
István Kovács is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Complex Networks Research. He is working on bridging the gap between structure and function in complex systems. He is developing novel methodologies to predict the emerging structural and functional patterns in a broad spectrum of problems ranging from systems biology to quantum physics, in close collaboration with experimental groups.

About the talk / Az előadásról:

Life emerges from a complex interplay of molecular interactions. Despite exceptional experimental efforts to map out the underlying interactome, the inherent data incompleteness limits our ability to understand the molecular roots of human disease. In the talk I will show how to fight data incompleteness and biases with novel computational methods, leading to experimentally testable, large-scale predictions. Besides molecular interactions, our approach can reliably predict a broad spectrum of functional associations, including disease associations, pathway annotations and genetic interactions, as well as toxic and synergistic drug combinations.


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01.11.19: Dr. Devecseri Zsuzsa: Miért halnak meg férfiak még mindig prosztatarákban?

Language / Nyelv : Magyar / Hungarian

Speaker / Előadó : Devecseri Zsuzsanna, MD

Title / Cím : Miért halnak meg férfiak még mindig prosztatarákban?/

About our Speaker / Az előadóról:

About the talk / Az előadásról:

Zsuzsanna beszélni fog arról, mit tudunk a prosztatarák biologiájáról, milyen terápiák elérhetőek és mik vannak fejlesztés alatt. Külön ki fog térni arra, hogy miért diagnosztizálják a prosztatarákot (túl) későn és mit lehet tenni ellene..

Streaming Link:

Kérjük regisztrálja részvételi szándékát, hogy a szervezést megkönnyítsük:

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11.09.18: Barabási Albert-László: The Universal Laws of Success

Language: English

Speaker / Előadó : Professor Barabási Albert-László

Title / Cím :A képlet – A siker egyetemes törvényei / The Universal Laws of Success

About our Speaker / Az előadóról:

About the talk / Az előadásról:

In this pioneering examination of the scientific principles behind success, a leading researcher reveals the surprising ways in which we can turn achievement into success. Too often, accomplishment does not equate to success. We did the work but didn’t get the promotion; we played hard but weren’t recognized; we had the idea but didn’t get the credit.
We’ve always been told that talent and a strong work ethic are the key to getting ahead, but in today’s world these efforts rarely translate into tangible results.

Note: The presentation will be held live in our regular location at Northeastern University, and will also be streamed live for those who are unable to attend in Boston.

Streaming Link:
