Monthly Archives: June 2016

6.4.16 – Zöllei Lilla: Infant Brain Development

Az előadás nyelve: angol

Az előadás címe: Infant Brain Development: Building Automated Computational Tools for Quantitative MRI Analysis

Az előadóról: A “Sikeres nők” kerekasztal beszélgetésben megismert (mely összefoglalója a Tudósklub oldalon lejjebb található), és korábban Tudósklubokat is szervező Zöllei Lilla, orvosi képelemző kutató, aki az MGH radiológiáján dolgozik:

Az előadásáról: Almost nothing is known about cross-subject variability or normal trajectories of development of neuroanatomical structures in the human brain in the first few years of life. This gap arises from a number of factors – the difficulty of obtaining data from non-compliant neonates and toddlers, the complexities of research imaging of subjects who cannot consent, and critically, the rapid change in contrast and geometry displayed during development in infants. Despite the recent focus on computational tools that handle the currently underserved neonatal and infant population, most tools are still not general or robust enough to produce reproducible results in both healthy and clinical infant populations at an early age. Given the rapidly changing nature of the neuroanatomy in the post-natal stage, adapting tools designed for adult brain imaging is not optimal. During my presentation, I will describe a set of recently developed computational tools that are built on models of the healthy infant brain and that are able to handle the analysis of acquisitions from clinical populations as well.